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I am So upset
Posted by Katlyn Butschek
2/7/2019  6:47:00 PM
Hey everyone,

I started taking lessons with my husband a few months ago and recently, he decided he no longer wanted to pursue dance and left me with a decision to either continue for the remainder of our lessons (and take group classes instead of privates- because we'll have many more months of them vs a few private lessons) or quit now and get a refund for what was available on our account. I am really heart broken by this issue because he sees it as a "never ending bottomless-pit" financially, and myself on the other hand, thinks entirely different. Dance has been incredible for me in many ways and my husband and I have been fighting non-stop about this for the last month or so. I am completely heart broken with giving up this hobby because I wanted to see myself grow as a new dancer and it felt like the little child in me who used to do competitive gymnastics and cheer. I had to let the studio know that I am no longer going to pursue this, but what they don't know is the amount of fights my husband and I have gone through. Adding insult to injury, my husband purchased a brand new car because his old vehicle began to have many problems. Maybe I'm being too selfish? I hate that I had to quit but our marriage is going through rocky times as well. Has anyone been in a similar situation? I would appreciate any input or advice :)
Re: I am So upset
Posted by Mercia Tapping
2/7/2019  8:28:00 PM
I can't really give you good advice because I am widowed. Ballroom Dancing IS a very expensive hobby which I happen to be totally in love with so I can understand your pain. However, if you wish to follow it apart from your husband, you should have equal discretionary budgets. His for a new car and yours should be equal for dancing. When my husband bought a surprise Corvette, he had to write a matching check, which I blew on some amazing clothing.

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